Coach and mentor for weight loss

Exclusive approach


Learn how to manage your eating behavior once and for all

I am a coach and mentor for weight loss

On my weight loss program, I consult how to get rid of food dependence and lose weight once and for all.

First I tested the approach on myself, brought compulsive overeating into remission a few years ago, since then the weight has not returned.

About my personal results

Problem. Until 35 y.o., I struggled with excess weight and tried dozens of ways to lose weight.

Diets. After another diet, fasting, cleansing, herbalives, buckwheat, kefir, earrings, bracelets, band-aids, expensive pills, current pulses, lymph massages and intensive training, the weight went away for a while, and then returned in even greater quantities. There was a feeling that someone inside me was very indignant, upset and made up for what was lost, gaining a substantial reserve in case of a repetition of such tortures.

Hypothesis. Then I suggested, or maybe before implementing and changing behavioral habits, you need to do something with your head, thoughts and basic settings? After all, there are a lot of people around who can stop in time and not overeat.

I started looking for a mentor on food dependence who would put my "brains in place" or somehow persuade my "inner glutton" to stop eating too much.

Coach and mentor. Having learned from friends that there is a method that in a few sessions discourages smokers who have been smoking for 40 years nonstop, I thought — wouldn't this approach work with food? Yes, when working with food dependence, the algorithm is very similar.

Result. After of several consultations, the cult of food decreased, portions decreased, unhealthy snacks left, meals shifted from late evening to earlier. Of course, there was no goal to completely discourage the desire to eat, since a person cannot live without food. It was important to reduce the amount of food so that there was a daily calorie deficit.

Improving. Through the transformation and improvement of all spheres of life, there was an influx of new personality forces, psychological stability appeared, and as a result, there were forces to defeat and calm the "inner glutton", change healthy eating habits and consolidate them forever.

My practice and experience. After three years of therapy, I "dusted off" my honor diploma of a psychologist, completed an internship in an exclusive technique that helps get rid of food dependence, I took a course on addictions at Stanford. Now I am a certified "Realotherapist" and have been helping people to cope with the problem of excess weight for several years.

Below are photos of 2012, 2015, 2020 and 2022..

Do you want the same?

  • No food cravings
    You will have skills how to react when you have food cravings and go through all the difficulties, setbacks in the process of working with food dependence. I know the settings and techniques how to cope with each difficulty.
  • No uncontrolled overeating
    You will put overeating into control and remission for many years. I understand very well the hardships and difficulties of «foodaholics»
  • No bad mood
    Without the large amount of food you will not feel deprived of joys, but on the contrary you will become lighter, more energetic, more productive and life is richer.
  • No food restrictions
    You will eat whatever you want. There is no strict diet and prohibitions. There are some nuances, how to want reasonable meal, when and what is more effective to eat in order not to overeat.

The longer you try to lose weight,

the heavier and bigger you become

In 100% of cases, excess weight appears due to failure in eating behavior. It is a consequence of the reaction to stress and difficulties that a person has faced in the course of life before and continues to face now. 

Filling a lack of positive emotions or compensating for excess negative emotions with food is the type of protection that your inner personality has chosen at the moment. This is the most easy affordable kind of pleasure and joy for today.  

The replacement of food pleasure with more useful and developing types of activity requires the strength of personality. Then there are resources to break the circle: "the mood at work is gone -> upset -> scolded themselves or others for it -> lost the the inner resource -> eat cake."

Effective weight loss system

If a person does not know where he is going,

then any wind is in the wrong direction.


What do clients get on my

weight loss program

Only a former foodaholic able to understand the difficulties faced by a person who wants to get rid of extra pounds...

How to tune in if you have decided

If you have come to me to lose weight, it is important to try to fully trust, not to criticize methods and approaches. So you will help your psyche not to resist, not to block and open up to new information.
The sooner you begin to implement the new information that you get at the consultation, the faster the progress and weight loss will begin. It is important to tune in to the interaction internally so that I can help you.
Losing weight with my approach is losing weight forever. But in order for the food processes to be rebuilt, you need to hear and put into practice. Sometimes it will be harder than you want. It is typical. That is why in difficult moments I am in touch with you 24/7.
Due to the change in deep attitudes and processes of perception, patterns of emotions will be rebuilt in life. A series of amazing coincidences, improvements and breakthroughs can begin. Inspiration and insights.
During the program, you will feel my deep involvement and assistance. Nevertheless, there will be no pressure, coercion, criticism from my side at all. In this matter, it is important to calm down, and not start worrying even more.
Sometimes it will seem, especially at first, that the result is slow or there is no result at all or vice versa too fast. It is important to understand that the timeline could be different from your expectations. Nobody knows how should be till trying this and make a conclusion how it should be personally for you. You are unique and some erroneous norm could be. It is under my control.

The structure of my program

  • Duration of the program
    4 months
    We are working on the result. Until you tell me that you have become more resourceful, calmer and your eating behavior is under control
  • Duration of the first meeting
    2,5 hours
    At the meeting, I get acquainted with your situation and understand the reasons for being overweight. You will get the initial information of the approach and possibly even the result
  • During the program
    min 10 meetings
    There will be as much communication as is necessary for the result. From 10 meetings + SMS support
  • Without additional payment
    all included
    You will not need to pay extra during the program. 100% prepayment covers all our interactions for 4 months. Tip are welcome, but not required
What should be the coach and mentor to whom you came for help in losing weight

  • It should be a specialist with major in Psychology. It is important to understand mental processes in order to choose a personal approach to your unique personality for do not harm; 
  • Must have a thorough knowledge of methods in the field of working with addiction and addictology;
  • Must be a former food addict who was able to cope with food metabolism and bring food addiction into remission; 
  • A specialist should have a life ~ work ~ balance built in his life;

Why is it important to deal with excess weight as early as possible?

  1. The longer the excess fat is under the skin, the higher the risk that when the natural process of weight loss begins after 55-60 years, the skin will not be able to shrink, regenerate and recover, there will be a lot of wrinkles, skin pockets, sagging areas; 
  2. The longer you postpone a healthy lifestyle, the more difficult it will be for the body to cope with slags and toxins that are stuck in fat when you ate unhealthy food;
  3. The sooner you get rid of food dependence the more healthy diet you will start eating, which will allow you to preserve the necessary vitamins, trace elements, which are the building blocks of health and longevity;
There is nothing more expensive than illness and ignoring it
My educations

My major is Master Degree

in Educational Psychology

Conditions for participation in the program 

In order to discuss the details, cost, timing, ask questions, please sign up for a free 20-minute consultation.

This does not oblige you to anything! 

We will talk to you, get acquainted, get a first impression of each other. If a spark of negative impulses does not slip through in communication, then we will agree on therapy and plan a schedule of consultations.
Questions and answers
Please read this section to avoid unreasonable expectations
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